Traveling during the rainy season may have a few disadvantages. However there are a lot of advantages to traveling during the rain season, particularly if you enjoy slow travel and don’t mind stopping for a few days if need be.

Throughout Southeast Asia, the monsoon season, the time of the year when the prevailing winds blow up from the warm, wet equatorial seas, bringing in rains and storms. This southwest monsoon generally starts in May or June, reaching a fever pitch between August and October. You’ll need to exercise caution, however, and make sure to take all the necessary precautions. Travelers, here are ways to make the most of the rainy season,

Having Small Umbrella

Nunc in lorem ut nibh vestibulum lobortis et in nibh. Nam consectetur elementum dui, sit amet malesuada neque convallis eget. Aenean elementum, neque ut interdum posuere, est ipsum pulvinar orci, id vulputate lacus lorem a elit.

Wear Good Shoes

Vestibulum pharetra finibus dui ut fringilla. Nulla facilisi. Donec a enim at justo lobortis pretium. Donec molestie ullamcorper pellentesque. Quisque tincidunt nisi eu egestas aliquam.

Dress Appropriately

Vestibulum sed blandit neque, eu venenatis nisl. Nam nunc nunc, tempor nec sollicitudin non, porta et ligula. Sed tempus nulla consectetur metus imperdiet, non vulputate ex luctus. In et neque luctus, pretium est in, facilisis eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Fully Charge Cellphone

Suspendisse varius commodo odio, nec tempus ante mattis ut. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris consectetur elementum ultricies. Duis et libero eu nunc posuere aliquet ac et eros. Integer vitae iaculis justo. Curabitur massa magna, molestie at eros quis, tristique consequat sapien. Praesent tortor tortor, pellentesque id orci non, tempor lobortis magna.

Attention to the News

Sed eleifend euismod arcu at efficitur. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum hendrerit, quam a egestas porttitor, nibh urna vehicula neque, ut sodales tortor purus nec ligula. Quisque scelerisque blandit magna. Suspendisse consectetur non lorem nec vestibulum. In vehicula consectetur urna ac consequat. Quisque id sapien vel massa convallis posuere ac nec turpis. Duis cursus massa id porta auctor. Quisque eu ipsum mollis lectus tempus suscipit.

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