
Typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of communication.

It is considered to have begun with Gutenberg and the development of moveable type. Typography is the art, design, and arrangement of text. It is as much about what you don’t do with your type as what you do.


Theme supports HTML headings.

<h1>Header One</h1>
<h2>Header Two</h2>
<h3>Header Three</h3>
<h4>Header Four</h4>
<h5>Header Five</h5>
<h6>Header Six</h6>

Header One

Auris vehicula vel quam ac porta. Quisque pulvinar sodales velit ac pharetra. Sed malesuada tellus lectus, quis ultrices justo tristique at. Nam enim elit venenatis non augue.

Header Two

Auris vehicula vel quam ac porta. Quisque pulvinar sodales velit ac pharetra. Sed malesuada tellus lectus, quis ultrices justo tristique at. Nam enim elit venenatis non augue.

Header Three

Auris vehicula vel quam ac porta. Quisque pulvinar sodales velit ac pharetra. Sed malesuada tellus lectus, quis ultrices justo tristique at. Nam enim elit venenatis non augue.

Header Four

Auris vehicula vel quam ac porta. Quisque pulvinar sodales velit ac pharetra. Sed malesuada tellus lectus, quis ultrices justo tristique at. Nam enim elit venenatis non augue.

Header Five

Auris vehicula vel quam ac porta. Quisque pulvinar sodales velit ac pharetra. Sed malesuada tellus lectus, quis ultrices justo tristique at. Nam enim elit venenatis non augue.

Header Six

Auris vehicula vel quam ac porta. Quisque pulvinar sodales velit ac pharetra. Sed malesuada tellus lectus, quis ultrices justo tristique at. Nam enim elit venenatis non augue.

Lead Paragraph

Make a paragraph stand out by adding .lead class.

<p class="lead">...</p>

In mollis elit lorem, vitae pellentesque erat maximus vitae. Maecenas vel laoreet diam. Pellentesque ullamcorper ligula metus, vel aliquet nisi viverra non. Nam mauris neque, venenatis quis tempus ac, placerat sit amet ipsum.

Cras in efficitur velit. Maecenas commodo interdum ligula, sit amet hendrerit nunc pulvinar sed. Proin mauris dui, molestie quis libero id, laoreet vehicula risus.


Dropcap can be added by wrapping the first letter of the first word in a span tag with the class .dropcap.

<span class="dropcap">D</span>ropcap ullamcorper ...

Dropcap ullamcorper ultrices mauris nec tristique. Cras tempor justo non arcu luctus, non vestibulum metus bibendum. Integer eget vestibulum nisl, id semper tellus. Curabitur auctor ultrices sem et lobortis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris dui enim, lacinia a nisl at, ultricies vestibulum lectus.

Inline Text Elements

Here is the examples of inline text elements.

Mark Tag


You can use the mark tag to highlight text.

Del Tag


This line of text is meant to be treated as deleted text.

Strikethrough Tag


This line of text is meant to be treated as no longer accurate.

Inserted Tag


This line of text is meant to be treated as an addition to the document.

Bold Tag


This line of text will render as bold text

Italics Tag


This line of text will render as italic text

Underline Tag


This line of text will render as underlined

Small Text


This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.

Big Text


This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.

User Input


To switch directories, type cd followed by the name of the directory.
To edit settings, press ctrl + ,



Hello LaTeX, how are you?

This has a superscript M^M in it.

This has a subscript W_W in it.

This has both M^M_M zomg.

Getting crazy M^{M_M} woo.

Hey now M_{M^M} stop it.

One more: M^M_M  M^{M_M} M_{M^M}

Here’s a fancy formula displaystyle P_nu^{-mu}(z)=frac{left(z^2-1right)^{frac{mu}{2}}}{2^mu sqrt{pi}Gammaleft(mu+frac{1}{2}right)}int_{-1}^1frac{left(1-t^2right)^{mu -frac{1}{2}}}{left(z+tsqrt{z^2-1}right)^{mu-nu}}dt inline.

A more different fancy formula P_nu^{-mu}(z)=frac{left(z^2-1right)^{frac{mu}{2}}}{2^mu sqrt{pi}Gammaleft(mu+frac{1}{2}right)}int_{-1}^1frac{left(1-t^2right)^{mu -frac{1}{2}}}{left(z+tsqrt{z^2-1}right)^{mu-nu}}dt

On a separate line

displaystyle P_nu^{-mu}(z)=frac{left(z^2-1right)^{frac{mu}{2}}}{2^mu sqrt{pi}Gammaleft(mu+frac{1}{2}right)}int_{-1}^1frac{left(1-t^2right)^{mu -frac{1}{2}}}{left(z+tsqrt{z^2-1}right)^{mu-nu}}dt

P_nu^{-mu}(z)=frac{left(z^2-1right)^{frac{mu}{2}}}{2^mu sqrt{pi}Gammaleft(mu+frac{1}{2}right)}int_{-1}^1frac{left(1-t^2right)^{mu -frac{1}{2}}}{left(z+tsqrt{z^2-1}right)^{mu-nu}}dt